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Friday, May 23, 2008

Odd Beauty Secretz

Natural beauty secrets, from the human body.

Semen is said to be good for the skin.
The reazon which may support thiz hearsay, is that, semen contains protein which helps in preventing wrinkles. It also contains amino acids and prostaglandins which aid in making your skin blooming and healthy.

It is scientifically proven, but, hehe, i'm not eager to massage my face with my semen. Dizgusting hehe.

_Porno Starz secret_

Placenta(Inunan) is also high in protein. Hospitals and other health institutions is said to be selling placentas to different Cosmetic companies. Placenta is being used as a seceret component of shampoos and make-ups. Gross but we've been using it already since birth. Unless youve never tried to use any beauty products like shampoo and make-upz.

