Almighty God,
Please guide my friends
Who will take the June Board Examination for Nurses on June 1 and 2, 2008.
This examination will be their key towards a more successful tomorrow.
Please bestow them a smart and confident mind
If they forgot the answer, or were confused, please whisper to them the right answer.
If they were nervous and irritable, please calm them.
Please bless their pens or pencils with your compassion and love.
Please give them the strength to face this special day in their life positively.
Please provide them a stable mind for them to view each questions clearer and with ease.
Please give them a good health, holistically and bring them on this special day cleared from anxiety.
Deliver them away from pessimism and hopelessness.
And never leave them alone in their seats
Our beloved God, please help them to pass this examination.
Always stay inside their hearts.
Katrina V. Custodio
Royal Calingo
Jhobbie Rhea Lugo
Kate Blazo
Laarni Villanueva
Prell Gomez
Bo Charity Octobre
And all of my deserving friends who took the exam.
I know all of you guys, will definitely PASS
from ken
search here!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Posted by WILDNERVEZ at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
"Green Paradise"
God created the world, green and virgin.
Now, man has created his own Eden. He gave birth to a new green world. A paradise which gives him a transient feeling of ecstasy and satisfaction.
Porn everywhere, obscene materials in just one click from the World Wide Web, smutty videos in each mobile phone, an old woman who had reached her 50's wearing underwear with an embroidery shouting, "FOR HIRE," are some of the new paradise of man.
Show business is a green paradise. Let's unzip some of the dirty secrets behind the camera. Many of my friends who are in the business unsealed some of these mess. I'm not pretty sure if these "FACTS ACCORDING TO THEM" were really true.
Many of the actors in show business are gays. As what I have said just earlier, show business is really a Green Paradise. They make the bed just for men. Remember the joke that gays have green fluids flowing within their vessels. A very popular actor who is very masculine, physically and in actions conceals a very obnoxious self. He uses to engage with same sex relationships. He is married and with beautiful and handsome children. A clue:. he is one of the endorser of a very popular whitening supplement. Another one is a much idolized and most admired hunk from a big network. He always denies the issues pertaining with his sexuality. A source said that there was a video recorded from a surveillance camera caught this man in action as he sucks his driver's cock. A clue:. CLEAR. The next one is a very good actor and a handsome model who had undergone a rectal surgery because of engaging in rough anal sex. A clue: BENCH. Green paradise of today is a fake paradise. I think it is a perfect hell. According to the bible, same sex relationship is a sin. Anyway, this is my belief and sorry for those who are offended. The next story is no more related with gays. This story is about a pretty actress-model who is trying to persuade her friend to have one night stand with rich man, mostly politicians and actors, for her to satisfy her pocket just like what she is doing since then. In short she is a slut. A clue:. Pantene. Another one is a very talented actress who committed abortion, five times. In short she is a simple slut. A clue:. One of the sisters.
Sex is a need of man. And I admit, I'm eager to join your petition to include it in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs hehe. It is a gift from God. However, today, man is exploiting this gift to commit sin. In some cases they think they have to commit sin just to satisfy their hungry belly. Who can blame them? I can't.
A story of a gay who had undergone minor rectal surgery after inserting a fluid container inside his butt is really a mess. We should respect our body. Maybe, he can find paradise in a cheap bottle inserted inside his asshole. As what I have said, this is purely my belief. And I'm not bearing any intentions to hurt others.
God created man bared, until man learned how to hide their cock and pussy from the hungry vultures and crows. Today, I think, many people want to see each other undressed. A rewind.
The real paradise is not the Green Paradise of today. Real ecstasy is not attainable with one orgasm, or even more. The real paradise is attainable through good deeds, diligence and through GOD.
Posted by WILDNERVEZ at 5:43 AM 0 comments

I caught you staring at me
and it made me feel so crazy
I never expected that you will complete me
Cause, once, I was blind, dipped in immaturity.
For Three years, seven days a week
I'm awful as a million of geeks
I didnt share a glance with you
caused My eyes were once, a blind duo.
am I blind, or im just a fool
am I blind, or i just lost my soul
You always show me your caress
But I kept my day with you, emotionless
Four chambers of my heart were blocked
with plaque of stupidity which kept it locked
"Till the day came and you washed it with warmth
You opened it, you embraced my heart.
You opened my eyes profoundly
You removed my shades completely
Now, I can see your intense beauty,
You helped me to see the world widely.
Posted by WILDNERVEZ at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Is Thiz for Real?
Posted by WILDNERVEZ at 4:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
Odd Beauty Secretz
Natural beauty secrets, from the human body.
Semen is said to be good for the skin.
The reazon which may support thiz hearsay, is that, semen contains protein which helps in preventing wrinkles. It also contains amino acids and prostaglandins which aid in making your skin blooming and healthy.
It is scientifically proven, but, hehe, i'm not eager to massage my face with my semen. Dizgusting hehe.
_Porno Starz secret_
Placenta(Inunan) is also high in protein. Hospitals and other health institutions is said to be selling placentas to different Cosmetic companies. Placenta is being used as a seceret component of shampoos and make-ups. Gross but we've been using it already since birth. Unless youve never tried to use any beauty products like shampoo and make-upz.
Posted by WILDNERVEZ at 4:07 AM 0 comments
Red Roze
by WildnerveZ
While sauntering around hiz Kingdom, the Prince saw a wild bloody red rose with a unique beauty he can't describe by words. Itz beauty iz different from other red species. Weird feelings which is for him iz inevitable invaded hiz heart. He fell in love with a flower. He was bewitched by itz strange beauty.
One humid afternoon, a cemetery man saw the prince lying near a grave, pulselezz, while holding a red rose tight near hiz chest. Hiz hand was bloody, slightly swelling.
The prince leaved the palace, a week he was found DEAD. One month before the incident, his girlfriend died because of extreme blood lozz. She was killed under the lethal words of the King. The prince witnessed her death, but he was not able to do something to protect her. He ran away, crying instead. The palace was against their relationship, because of their long gap in termz of their social status.
The prince was one week speechless, a week blinklezz, sleeplezz and three weekz suppresz with hiz mind gone. He was out of hiz head for a month after his girlfriend's death, until he died.
Fire ants (ants with fatal stings) which tried to invade the beauty of the flower stung the prince causing his doom. He died because of his desire to save the flower from miserable death.
Unconsciously the prince was attracted to a flower which bloomed on the grave of his girlfriend.
---a tragic story---
.:Why iz it The Prince didn't do the same thing while his girlfriend iz alive?
Posted by WILDNERVEZ at 1:52 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
LOBO na ang Baboy
Posted by WILDNERVEZ at 4:43 AM 0 comments